
11 Extreme Super Bowl Snacks
11 Extreme Super Bowl Snacks
11 Extreme Super Bowl Snacks
Only t-minus four days until the big game, so now is the perfect time to start thinking about the most important part of our Super Bowl party-- food. Nachos, sandwiches, pizza and anything greasy goes, as long as it's hardy and semi-manly. But how the heck are we supposed to choose with so many delicious options out there? Answer: go big.
The Best Reaction Memes to the NFL Replacement Refs
The Best Reaction Memes to the NFL Replacement Refs
The Best Reaction Memes to the NFL Replacement Refs
Woah boy. Even if you could not give one fraction of an iota of a care about football, you probably still heard about the game last night (thanks, Facebook!). To deal, we just imagined old-timey Keystone Kops music playing underneath the whole thing. Thankfully other people dealt with the insanity by making funny memes. Here are some of the best.
Woman Arrested For Trying To Throw Drug-Filled Footballs Into Prison
Woman Arrested For Trying To Throw Drug-Filled Footballs Into Prison
Woman Arrested For Trying To Throw Drug-Filled Footballs Into Prison
It’s September, which means the nation is starting to go football crazy. Ohio woman Janine Fulton recently took football insanity to a new level when she filled a couple official size Wilson balls with pills, marijuana, cigarettes, cell phones, and cell phone chargers and tried to toss them into the Richland Correctional Institution in Mansfield, OH.