"Blue" Moon

How To View Friday’s Black Moon (And What A Black Moon Is)
How To View Friday’s Black Moon (And What A Black Moon Is)
How To View Friday’s Black Moon (And What A Black Moon Is)
The once in every 32 month lunar event known as the Black Moon arrives on Friday here in the Western Hemisphere, and if you'd like to view this unusual celestial event, it may be just a bit tricky. The snarky answer is obviously "Go outside and look up...
Why is The Full Moon Called a ‘Blue Moon’ when it Isn’t Blue?
Why is The Full Moon Called a ‘Blue Moon’ when it Isn’t Blue?
Why is The Full Moon Called a ‘Blue Moon’ when it Isn’t Blue?
Have you taken the time to look at that great big "Blue Moon" each evening rising in the eastern sky the past two days? By definition a "Blue" moon is the term for a second full moon within one calendar month. With the first full moon of this month occurring on July 1 and this one on the 31st, it qualifies as a "Blue" moon.
Friday the Moon Will Be Full and “Blue”
Friday the Moon Will Be Full and “Blue”
Friday the Moon Will Be Full and “Blue”
Something rare will be occurring this Friday.  It will be a full moon and you ask “what is so rare about that?” Well,we basically have a full moon each  month but this full moon will be the second full moon in this calendar month of August . And since it is the second full moon in August it is also called a “Blue Moon”.