On this morning's radio show I came across this survey from France that Dennis and I began to talk about both on and off the air. The survey stated that a study was conducted in France and it had found that blonde waitresses made, on the average, 25% more money in tips than brunettes did. There was no mention of redheads, which led to a caller to ask us why redheads were not included in the equation. I had no answer for that one. And I don't have an answer for why blondes get better tips but it was funny at lunchtime today when Hilary, a brunette waitress, showed up at my favorite eating establishment with blond hair. When I tip a waitress, it's based upon the service I get, her personality, and whether I was having a good time by being there. I have never looked at my waitress and said, "hey, she's a blonde so I'll leave a bigger tip". Actually, I have no preference, but if I had to base it upon hair color right now in my life, the brunette waitresses I know would win. But it is Tuesday. Wednesday I may swing redhead. Thursday could be blonde. A multi-colored hair waitress could really put me into a spin.

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